记忆是“人生的财富”。它能够将很久以前发生的事情和体验储存起来,它们代表着我们存在的本质,一种体验越深刻,就越能被人们记住。每个人的岁月都由他的记忆组成。这些记忆存在的目的是让我们回忆以前发生的事情,并重温由此产生过的感受和情感。 作为人类,我们与生俱来有保留记忆的心理需要,它让我们以这个世界和人生为基础,帮助我们明白我们是谁。我们会自然而然地记住那些愉悦的经历,忘记平淡的生活,这使我们的生活更加丰满。每个人都有他们自己的选择,选择哪些是值得他们记忆的生活体验。另一方面,我们都在这些体验创造的记忆中扮演着重要的角色,都愿意记住并且不断地重温这些令人愉悦的人生经历。

The Magic of Memories
Memories are the “substance of life”. They can preserve an experience long after it has occurred. They represent the essence of our existence. The more profound and experience, the more likely it will be remembered. Each person's lifetime can be summarized by his or her individual memories. The purpose of these memories is to allow us to relive the initial incident, and to re-experience the feelings and emotions it created. As human beings, we have an innate psychological need for our memories. They ground us in this world and this lifetime, and help us define who we are. We also have a natural desire to expose ourselves to pleasant experiences that create memories; that are memorable. Experiences that create lasting memories take us away from the commonplace and make us feel that we are living our lives to the fullest. Each person may individually have their own preference for what these memorable experiences are, but we all place importance and meaning on the memories that these experiences create, and we all have a desire to remember and relive these pleasant experiences over again. Reliving memories can transcend time and space. Through the magic of reliving memories, a person can travel to any time and any place in their lifetime. Today's modern technology makes it much easier to help capture the experience to relive or to share with others. One of the main objectives of leisure architecture is, through the use of design, to create an environment and to create experiences that are conducive to the making of memories. By creating a memorable destination, a designer has established an intimate connection and life-long relationship with all who experience it.