最初的建筑测量单位是基于人体构造衍生出来的。我们用手臂长度衡量距离,用自身能搬运的重量来衡量重量。今天,我们以光在容器里1/299792458秒的时间内运动的距离作为“米”的定义。这显示了我们现今世界已经取得了多么大的进步,并且这些概念已经超越了本来意义而被广泛使用。大和小的概念是相对的,只有在与我们身体相关时才被感知。 在宇宙中人类具有独立的创造力,能够根据自己的使用目的来铸造和修饰各种建筑材料。建筑的本质是服务于人类,其设计也因此要便于使用并且舒适。因此,尺度是与人体和人体结构有关的最重要的建筑因素。尺度将最有效影响使用者并且影响人们心理感觉,尺度与位置一起,创造了各种元素之间的支配或从属的关系。

Man is the Measure
Units of measurement were originally based on the human form. Distance was regarded by the length of our arms and weight by how much a man could carry. The fact that the meter is defined today as “the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second” shows how far our modern world has advanced and how far away from the original meaning and use of these concepts we have come. The ideals of large and small are vague, and are viewed as such only by us in relation to our own bodies. As humans, the sole conscious force on the planet that can mold and fashion materials to our own usefullness, as a matter of principle our creations must relate to our own form. Architecture functions to serve people. Its design is for our use and comfort. Scale, therefore, is the most important architectural principle employed in relating to humans and the human form. Scale has the greatest immediate effect on users and is most responsible for influencing their emotional state. Scale, along with positional location, creates a dominate/subordinate relationship between elements. Large, imposing spaces not relating to the human form create an imbalanced relationship with the user. They create a barrier against communication and interaction. They create a friction in the atmosphere that is almost palpable. While large buildings are a necessity in accommodating great numbers in a functionally expedient manner, large spaces should be refined to the human level. Levels of intimacy can still be created in large public spaces by breaking down areas both physically and visually. Where people interact with the building, architectural elements can be reduced in size to better relate to the human form. Skillful use of materials and detailing can be used to break down large areas and minimize their visual impact. By dividing large spaces into smaller parts which are at equal stature with users, a dialogue can be established between people and architecture. This dialogue facilitates the interaction between people and places. It evokes a reactional mood and emotion in people when they encounter a space. This emotion is a yardstick upon which to measure the success or failure of the design. The extent to which architecture serves and uplifts mankind is the extent to which it successfully achieves its purpose. In all architecture, literally and figuratively, man is the measure.