用地面积: 600多亩
建筑面积: 22万平米

丽江红树林度假酒店位于束河古镇以东,北望玉龙雪山,设计师合理利用项目本身良好的自然资源优势,揉合了丽江独特的民族文化特色,将其打造成为一个包含度假酒店、Imax影院、婚礼教堂、民族商业街、CASINO BAR等多功能度假村。
Lijiang Mangrove Resort Hotel is located in the east of Shuhe Town, north of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Natural resources are being emphasized and features a blend of Lijiang unique culture characteristics which make it become a resort hotel, featuring an Imax cinema, wedding chapel, national commercial street, CASINO, BAR, and multifunctional resort.