用地面积: 238.8亩

 本项目在满足有关户型平面开发要求的前提下,结合“水景居住区” 的主体概念,运用亲和适度的现代建筑语言,营造独具特质的住宅区形象。普通的材料及切实可行的构造方式建造高品位的现代化小区。建筑设计注重整体风格的协调统一,建筑色调以沙黄为主,局部配以砖红及原木色,以体现建筑与周边环境的融合。住宅临水而筑,营造景区中的新景观。
The design of the Chongqing Jiayu project is based on the concept of horizontal planes with "water feature residential areas”. The use of modern architectural vocabulary in design and detailing creates a unique residential character for the project. Common building materials are combined with practical construction methods to create high grade structures of integrity and style. The focus of the overall architectural design style is harmonization, combining the main building color of yellow sand together with local red brick and rich wood to reflect the integration of architecture and the surrounding environment.